Air ambulances have been around for over a century, serving individuals and organizations. This concept of medical support by air travel began with the military as early as the First World War. Throughout the following decade numerous air services began to appear. Here's a brief history of the air ambulance industry. 

Taking Off with the Aviation Industry

Following the first airplane flights in the early 1900s came a wave of aircraft manufacturers. During World War I planes became an important part of accelerated communication, as national air mail service was established. The British used an air service for medical assistance in 1917 in Turkey. In 1918 a Serbian officer was flown by a French Air Service plane to a hospital. At that time French research showed that the mortality rate of battlefield injuries would fall from 60 to under 10 percent if the victim were treated within six hours of getting injured.

Throughout the 1920s airlines and airports spread around the world, along with the development of radio technology. These factors converged, making air travel the fastest way to travel safely. The Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia was an early civilian air medical transport system in 1928. Air ambulances became more common in World War II. In Switzerland air ambulances were used for winter sporting accidents and mountain rescue work following the war. The first air ambulance service for civilians was established in Los Angeles in 1947.

Modern Air Medical Services

Studies showed that rural car collisions were often the most serious accidents due to the distance of the crash site from the nearest hospital. Air ambulance medical services became a viable solution to this problem. Starting in the late 1970s air ambulance services began to be staffed with paramedics. Aircraft pilots thoughout the history or air ambulances have not been expected to be involved with medical care or treatment. Medical crews often work 12-24 hour shifts. 

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) was founded in 1980 as an international trade organization based in Washington, DC to serve the emerging medical evacuation (MedEvac) industry. The AAMS provides safety training programs and shares information about high-quality patient care for its members. MedEvac aircraft span a wide range of sizes from single-engine planes to jets.

Launch of Aero Med Express

Aero Med Express launched as an air ambulance service in 1978 to serve North American citizens, hospitals and other health organizations. It has since emerged as a leader in the air ambulance industry. The company has a long history of hiring highly trained pilots and an experienced staff of registered nurses for its emergency medical flights. These flights are equipped with modern medical equipment and are designed to be high quality experiences. The company works directly with patients, eliminating extra broker costs.

Using a Diamond Jet, Aero Med Express is able to handle any medical emergency. The service can take patients to and from the medical facilities of their choice across the United States. The 24-hour service extends to non-emergency medical patients as well. The Diamond Jet is equipped with a Lifeport patient handling system and a climate control system for maximum comfort.

The Aero Med Express Diamond Jet travels at a speed of 500 mph, which is about a quarter of the fastest speed on record set by the U.S. Air Force aircraft Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird in 1976. The Diamond Jet moves closer to the average long-distance cruising airline speed, which is about 575 mph. Air ambulances remain the fastest way to transport patients from hospitals to additional medical facilities and have played a major role in saving countless lives.

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